I have to tell you... I have the sweetest friends and readers. I mean I really do consider all of you my friends. I just haven't met you yet. You are all so sweet and the fact that I had 4 people comment on my sad phone post was just pretty cool that all of you could relate and cheer me up! Unfortunately for the phone and me the LCD is starting to bleed and I will probably have to replace it this weekend or some time next week. I was kind of hoping to keep it longer than that, but oh well. To AliLilly the little ball of joy tutorial is here.
This weeks winner was #2 Megan from Brassy Apple who entered this really neat burner cover art! That is just super creative and I love it! Megan make sure to send me an e-mail at itssewstinkincute @ hotmail.com with your address and then leave a comment on this post saying you sent me an e-mail in case it goes to the junk filter.
If you didn't win... make an entry this week for the chance to win a GREAT goodie pack. Just ask one of my winners so far... I am sure they will tell you that entering and getting the stash o' goodies is well worth it!
Halloween is right around the corner... I am in a Halloween mood and will be making another poof wand for Laci for Halloween... I mean chances are she won't want to carry it around, so unfortunately I will have to *big cheesy grin inserted here*...
In the spirit of the season I love these two Halloween inspired pieces.
Courtney from Between U & Me made an adorable tulle wreath... I love tulle and she does too! It is so much fun to work with!!! This looks great and I am sure that you have already gotten lots of complements on it! If you go to her site she has a tutorial on it along with a great story of her husband being like "why do you like to do this?" Because you like to share your awesome ideas with people like me.... :o)

Lindsay from Diary of a Crafty Lady shared her super cute I mean scary.... smashed witches legs. Not only does she share them she gives a tutorial too! I love the idea of your kids moving them around the house. That is just a super totally great idea!!
Thank you to all this weeks participants, congrats to Megan for winning the giveaway and congrats to the two wonderful features, go grab that featured button and have a FABULOUS Thursday folks!
Let's get to linkin'!! Rules:
1. Please link craft projects that you have done!
2. Linky Tools will remain open until next Wednesday evening so there's plenty of time to link your projects!
Rules for linking:
(1) Link to specific blog post, not blog home page!
(2) Link craft projects that you have done!
(3) Make sure to visit a few of the links and leave some comment love!
(4) Linky Tools will remain open through Wednesday, October 6th so you have plenty of time to add your projects!