I would love to feature all of you, but some how I managed to pick the three that popped out the most to me.
My sweet Ashley over at Cute as a Fox managed to make something that I already thought was adorable, even cuter. I just love her baby shower gifts. This is a cupcake made out of burp cloths and baby socks. There are many more that are cute as well. Go take a look.

Sarah over at A Little of This and A Little of That shows us how to make some AWESOME vases... I will totally have to do that, because that is just super cool! I want to do some funky colors and can't wait to experiment!
My new neighbor... well she lives so close to me it seems that way.. Jennifer over at Life, Crafts, and Whatever made a throw pillow that is a knock off that looks just a perfect if she had bought it at the store. BTW the bedding behind the pillow is adorable! I love it!

Thanks to everyone who linked and a congrats to my features (go grab your featured button off my side bar)! I loved all the projects submitted, it just makes me feel so lucky to have readers who enjoy crafts as much as I do!
Let's get to linkin'!!
Rules: 1. Please link craft projects that you have done (not advertising an Etsy site or giveaways unless they are something you have made that you are giving something away)!
2. Linky Tools will remain open until next Wednesday evening so there's plenty of time to link your projects!
Rules for linking:
(1) Link to specific blog post, not blog home page!
(2) Link craft projects that you have done!
(3) Make sure to visit a few of the links and leave some comment love!
(4) Linky Tools will remain open through Wednesday, April 6th so you have plenty of time to add your projects!