This is a long one folks, but if you want to be amused… just skip down to Lows #7… I am still laughing at myself.
1) Finally got Laci’s room all cleaned out. Her closet is now a library/stuffed animal/closet all in one… should have taken before and after. It was pretty trifling before, so I am not sure I would have wanted to show you that, but now she has her book shelf in her closet and her stuffed animals all pretty and arranged (that won’t last long), and her clothes all hung. I am pretty proud of myself that I finally got all the boxes of her old clothes out of her room and closet.
2) Continuing from before… Jake and Tim put lots of boxes in the attic of Laci’s old clothes. Yeah for them not cluttering up the house anymore.
3) As many of you know I did lots of stuff for my sister for baby Holden. I made the diaper bag, burp cloths, changing pad, car seat cover, diaper wipe holders, and embroidered some blankets. Well because of all of the hard work I put in my sister gave me the entire I Love Lucy set, or as the box says, The Whole McGillicuddy: All 9 Seasons! I was so stoked! This is defiantly going in my craft room for me to watch. I couldn’t thank them enough for the awesomeness this is!
4) So my birthday is Wednesday… I’ll be 28. It’s a number… so I don’t really care much about that… what I am super duper trooper excited about is that we got a cake from Say it with Sugar. Remember Laci’s birthday cake… er… how could you forget? Well the very bottom layer of it was Vanilla with Vanilla Cream. Can we say uh-mazing… so that is what I ordered for this cake. Yummy!
5) Some of the family got into town. It is so nice having them here. Laci is thrilled and already has them playing pirates and reading in her library.
1) Jake went out of town for two nights last week… I slept horrible both nights. I guess I am finally getting used to him breathing heavy. It helps to know that he is there too…
2) You know to clean a mess you have to make a mess, so needless to say I made a big mess in the game room which got cleaned Wednesday night so that some of the family had a place to stay starting Thursday.
3) No nap on Sunday makes for a cranky Laci… just sayin’ I don’t like going to Cheer without one, but that is really the only option because the practice is from 1-3. I don’t know about you, but who ever made the schedule for the team didn’t take in to consideration that most 3-5 year olds take a nap from 12-2 on Sundays. Just Sayin’… not the brightest move. I bet when the owners kiddo is on the team that she will think about that and the practice will be moved to the 3-5 time slot. Either way… we will push through!
4) So after cheer last week we had a BD party to go to. Sorry if I am offending anyone, but get this… so we told them we couldn’t get there till 3 because of cheer practice. So we were an hour late. We get there and they are cooking outside (food was great), flies were swarming by the hundreds… it was icky. Had to fan my food with one hand while I ate with the other. I hate flies…. They are grody! Anyways, not where I was going with this. So they had a bounce house for the kids to play in and some other toys, but when we left at 4, they still had not done the piñata, cut the birthday cake, or opened the presents. That is (2) hours after it started. Laci was so upset that we were leaving before the cake that we went to go get cake from the store. Jake and I were hot and tired and he needed to pack. So the low on this one should really read… if you are going to have a birthday party where you invite your school friends keep it to two hours. We have other things we need to do than spend 4 hours at a birthday party. Have a separate party with all of your family if you want to have a long party, or just do all the party stuff in the first two hours so that we feel like we can leave and aren’t being too rude. Luckily we had a reason to leave, but seriously… am I not right on this one? Thoughts?!?
5) Buckle in… this is a long one - So last Sunday before Cheerleading we had to go get the gift for the birthday party so we stopped at Walmart. When we were there we saw these acrylic glasses that came in 4 different colors and would be perfect so that everyone would have a re-usable glass with lid and straw to use while the family was down and everyone would know who’s glass is who’s. So we go to check out and this manager was talking to the cashier telling her she needed to go to break or something, then walked off. My cashier turns to the other associate standing behind her and just keeps griping, complaining and *itching… that she had just come back from lunch and shouldn’t be going on break yet, yada yada yada. So finally 90% of the way through my transaction the cashier finally acknowledges me and continues to check me out. Jake and I were in a hurry and I was grabbing my bags. The cashier kept talking to the associate. 5 hours later we get home from cheer/the birthday party/shopping…. Guess what bag wasn’t in the car? Yup… the bag with the glasses in them. She must have given them to the next person, kept them herself, or put them back on the shelves. So I immediately call. I mean I am not a penny pincher by any means. But this was a bad experience and $20 in glasses and that irked me to no end. I stayed on hold for 11 minutes before I finally got a manager. I explained to her everything that happened and she insisted on giving me a gift card for $50 to reimburse me for the glasses I paid for and for the bad experience (I am cutting a lot of the convo out, but she was appalled that I was treated like that). I tried to talk her out of giving me anything more than the credit for the glasses, but she was adamant. SO, one good thing down. She told me to go the next day and talk to a specific manager and that she would let them know about giving me the gift card and take care of me. Long story short…. I go ask for that manager, they have no idea who I am or why I am there because the manager I spoke with on the phone didn’t tell her I was coming. I must have been convincing with my story because after 10 minutes she came out and started getting me the $50 gift card. I had told her to call the other manager and to take her time… so when she came back I asked her if the manager had told her what had happened. She said no that she didn’t even get her to answer the phone. I said I am sure if you look at the video you can see, she told me she already looked at it. So I guess she saw enough to tell her the same thing. Anyways, I thanked them and then went to go get my four glasses. I went to the check out and there was an older woman, a younger woman who I presume is her daughter with a double stroller with twin boys. The cashier didn’t seem all too friendly and when I went to grab my bag after checking out and noticed that the lady in front of me had a bag with two Tupperware containers in it. Being the good Samaritan I am I took the bag to the lady with the stroller. When she thanked me I told her no worries, it happened to me yesterday. Anyways, long story short… if you are a cashier at a Walmart…. Pay attention! Twice in 24 hours…. Amazing right!
6) Ford Credit – Anyone use them? No… DON’T! So I schedule my online payments once a month. A it takes (2) days to process, so if I go on line on a Monday to schedule a payment I can’t actually schedule it until Wednesday. I am horrible at remembering this, so I always pay a day or so late but its no biggie. Well come to find out that the payment I scheduled last month didn’t go through for some reason… I know I keep getting asked how I didn’t know, dude… I hate checking my bank account. Sometimes it’s depressing you know. So I avoid it as much as I can. Anyways, because of this (2) days process BS last months payment was then 30 days late and they put it on my credit. Didn’t call to say hey your payment is late, no e-mail, nothing in the mail… NADA! Jerks!
7) Fell Going Up the Stairs – Thursday night I may have had a little bit of Alcohol… Blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-a-alcohol…. Yup, I had one too many Blueberry Vodkas and Hawaiian Punches… I was running up the stairs and at the turn must have missed my stepping and face planted right into the dry wall. No dry wall damage luckily. Hehehe… Yeah so I have a beautiful red mark on my face. Make up is currently doing its best to hide some of it.
8) Knee Hurting – During said fall up the stairs… yes, up… anyways, I nailed the tar out of my knee and had a bruise less than 12 hours later. Plus when putting the air mattress together I tweaked it… Hopefully it will be ok. Yup I still played soccer on Friday. I know smart right!?!
9) Tire – On my ways to work on Friday and my low tire pressure light came on. I got up to Laci’s school as fast as I could safely and pulled over. My sensor is a savior. I pull over and get out and my left front tire is going sssssss…. Not a good sign. Call and wake up my amazing hubby Jake who comes up to meet me in his car and my super duper awesome Father In Law following behind with another car. I took off to take the doggie in for her re-check and get to work while they spent the next 2.5 hours getting my tire off, taking it to get a new one, then taking it back to be put on, then taking it up to the place to get 3 more. I have a great family!
10) Tire Blew in front of me – As I was taking the doggie to the vet I had the pleasure of finally seeing/hearing what it was like for a tire to blow while going 70 mph… ok he was probably only going 50 as he was about to exit. Sounded like a gun being shot off, stuff flew from the tire onto the car and it was terrifying. The guy was ok, but I am sure he was ticked… been there, done that… sorry it happened to you too pal. Hope your day got better!
11) Tired of doing the linky list… This one I am sadder about than anything else that I have written about. I love doing the linky list. I mean I have met so many cool people on it and really enjoy seeing what everyone has come up with. It’s been 58 weeks (14 months) of doing it and I just can’t seem to get it to catch on like I wanted to. I mean I did giveaways, I have usually 2-3 features a time. It is exhausting. Hopefully this feeling passes, because I don’t want to stop doing it, I just don’t want it to feel like a chore. Ignore me… its been a bad week!
Needless to say I have had a crummy week. I have had some great highs, but some super stinky lows. The good news out of all of this is that I will probably have a better week next week. Oh wait… I know I am going to have a good week. My friend Lauren comes in from out of town and I get to party like a rockstar (literally – she is pimp like that) on her companies dime. Yup, she is stellar and I love hanging out with her. Can’t wait to see her! Anyways, here’s to another week… may next week bring me good news or something.