This post is WAY overdue! So to Robyn and Julie, I am sorry... party planning has taken over my life outside of work...
In February I got this wonderful e-mail from one of my favorite inspirational sites to
drool at look at during the day.
Dipped and Delicious has so many wonderful things to offer on there site and the two women who run it are just to sweet (no pun intended... hehehe)!
The e-mail went something like this...
We came across your blog and noticed that you are interested in our
yummy Mickey Mouse creations. We would love to send you a free sample to add to the adventures of your daughters party planning (btw-one of our daughters bd parties will be on the same day!). We love the creativeness in you and thought we could share in this joy!
-Robyn & Julie (<-- great name BTW I mean I am not partial or anything) So a week and a half or so ago I get this package in the mail. I opened it and was jumping up and down at how nice these ladies are and at how adorable these oreo Mickey theme pops are! They also came in a cute little tin and the magnet so that you don't forget where they came from (brilliant!). Anyways, here they are in all their yummyness.
(How I have managed not to eat them yet is beyond me)

Absolutly adorable right!!! So to Robyn and Julie from
Dipped and Delicious - Thank you so much! I have the cards and will make sure to pass them out to anyone who inquires or even just mentions that they are cute!
I am so lucky and really can't thank you enough!