Ok, butterflies set aside - welcome to It's Stinkin' Cute Craft Thursday! As always - Thank you to EVERYONE who linked up last week! You are all AWESOME! I need to set aside some time this weekend to be crafty. I have an idea in my head, I just need to get to Home Depot and to the fabric store for some tool. Hopefully I can make this happen this weekend. I would love to share something with you all since I have been lackin in the crafty thing lately.
Here goes -
It's NO secret that I love Ashley from Cute as a Fox! Everything she does is Super Stinkin' Cute! I fell in LOVE with this initial frame that she entered and want to do this for my craft room, but do more letters to spell stuff like, create, imagine, etc. I just LOVE it!

Something I need to do for my daughter is make her this super stinkin cute little apron set that Susan over at Living with Punks made for her little one. It gets better ladies... she includes the link to the pattern FOR FREE on there. So get to making this one for your little boy or girl (in appropriate fabric of course).

And because I am in the middle of my craft room re-do I wanted to add in this little gem from Jessica over at Life's Good, Be Happy! She made what she calls Cheap Scrapbook Storage! I call it just brilliant!

I do want to add that I was going to feature one of those tasty looking dishes as that is something I do want to make, but maybe I will make one in the next week or so and feature you and a link on a different day. I do want to make them both though. Maybe have a pasta recipe cook off challenge... hehehe.
Ladies, be sure to grab the featured button from the side bar if you don't already have it... I can't wait to make some of these things for my craft room/or kiddo!!!
Let's get to linkin'!! Rules:
1. Please link craft projects that you have done!
2. Linky Tools will remain open until next Wednesday evening so there's plenty of time to link your projects!
Rules for linking:
(1) Link to specific blog post, not blog home page!
(2) Link craft projects that you have done!
(3) Make sure to visit a few of the links and leave some comment love!
(4) Linky Tools will remain open through Wednesday, August 4th so you have plenty of time to add your projects!
So glad I found your blog! It's my first time linking up to your party:) I linked #2
Thank you thank you for hosting again!!! :)