Ok, so last night I went to the local Dollar tree to get some tissue paper. I wanted Black and Orange, but who knew it was going to be so darn difficult to find (that was the third place I looked)? So I settled for kraft mailing paper. Below is a shot of every day except for day 11. It is still a work in progress. I still have 12 days to finish it, but really all I have to do is cut out some stuff, hole punch and find some rings. Don't ask, because it is a surprise and I won't tell, my lips are sealed. So now all I have to do is finish up day 11, write up a note to accompany them, package them up and mail them off. This has been so much fun. Also is a shot of the tags that I labeled each day with. Cute huh?

I have had a great time doing this, and hope that Day 11 is a big hit, because it took nothing but time, where as I know she will love Day 13 because I think it is something she was wanting. This has been a great experience and I can't wait to do it again. I love it because it keeps me crafty all the time instead of just sometimes or when I "feel" like it. Harley, thank you for putting this together. AJ, it has been so much fun putting everything together for you. I hope you like everything as much as I enjoyed doing this for you. I can't wait to start posting the pictures of everything that I put together.

The only thing I didn't get to do that I wanted to do was make something for her little girl Scout since I didn't get the measurements. This weekend I will be making Laci's so maybe I will just make one a little bigger than Laci's and hope it fits. I know that would be more than 13 days worth, but I can't help it. I am still seeing things that are cute. My budget... ha I don't even want to think about it; however, next time I have a swap to do I will have a lot of items I can use and won't have to buy as much. Day 13 was the biggest thing. I printed off my coupon, went to go get it, just to be told that I couldn't use the coupon. BUMMER! I got it anyways, because I had my heart set on that being the big present, but lets just say with tax spent the whole budget of what I was supposed to spend all together. Oops. All I can say is I know my swap partner won't be disapointed at all. It is my first time, so I wanted to start off with a bang. Totally not a problem, bang accomplished.
Anyways, that is what I did part of last night. The other part was getting rid of a headache, laminating stuff, and cutting out the laminated stuff for day 11's gift. This should be fun let me do this:
Most Expensive: Day 13
Least Expensive: Day 11
Most Time Consuming: Day 11
Most Fun to Make: Day 5
Forgot to re-take a picture of it: Day 3 (wrappers came off and had to switch out the inside with something else... just realized this, but I am not un-wrapping it now)
Learned Something New: Day 4, 5, 6
Handmade items: 6/13 of the items were hand made (if I make the thing for Scout it will be 7 - we shall see)
Day I think AJ will like the best: Hum, either Day 11 or Day 13
Getting to know someone new: Priceless
I have had a great time doing this, and hope that Day 11 is a big hit, because it took nothing but time, where as I know she will love Day 13 because I think it is something she was wanting. This has been a great experience and I can't wait to do it again. I love it because it keeps me crafty all the time instead of just sometimes or when I "feel" like it. Harley, thank you for putting this together. AJ, it has been so much fun putting everything together for you. I hope you like everything as much as I enjoyed doing this for you. I can't wait to start posting the pictures of everything that I put together.
OH SIDE NOTE - It was so cute last night, I was working on the stuff for Day 11 and went in my craft room. Laci followed me in there and said "I want to help Mommy!" It was so cute, I hated to tell her I wasn't doing anything she could help me with, any suggestions for a 2 1/2 year old that wants to help do crafty stuff, but obviously isn't ready for the big stuff? It was so cute, I can't wait until she REALLY can help me!
Ok, well I think that sums up it up for today, Happy Friday!

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