Daddy trying to teach Laci how to play Putt Putt. We went to a place called Amazing Jake's that has games and stuff inside. It was really fun. I can't wait until Laci is bigger and can do more stuff and more stuff by herself. She is just so short that we have to do everything with her. So we rode the mini train and the carousel. I had a great time, and the pizza was AWESOME!
Last night Laci wanted to read and her book basket was closed. She had a couple books out, but kept telling Daddy I want Pooh. I went over and opened her book basket and sure enough she pulled out a Pooh book. I was really sad that Daddy wouldn't let me take a picture of Laci sitting in his lap while he read. It was REALLY CUTE!
I touched a lot of Christmas presents when we opened the boxes at Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Tim's house. Along with that was the peanuts. Laci is going to make out like a bandit this year for Christmas. I can't wait because last year was fun, but this year is going to be even better because she will know that she can open the presents on Christmas. It is fun to re-live the Holidays through a child's eyes.
This is easy. I taste the mint from the pink part of the butterflies. They were so tasty.
Last year before Thanksgiving we bought gas fireplace logs. the fireplace isn't very big and we didn't want a wood burning one that we had to clean up the mess. So we bought the logs. Missing was the smell and sound. Well this year we went to the fireplace store for the crackle box (sounds like a real fireplace), and while we were there found these incense that are AWESOME! I can't decide what I like best because they are all so good!
Make sure to tune in tomorrow or Thursday to see my dress tutorial...
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