Judy over at In His Grip linked up an ADORABLE!!! heart pillow that I would fawn over. I have pleaded that she post a more in depth tutorial since I need to make some ones with stars just like that with the cording and all. HELP PLEASE!!!
Lindsay over at Diary of a Crafty Lady linked up a SUPER CUTE Valentines pouch... I want one it is just adorable! I will have to make one for Laci when she gets bigger. Unfortunatly I don't think that she would appreciate it right now. But I sure would love to have one. Not sure why seeing as how Valentines are few and far between where I work.
Ami over at AliLilly posted LOTS of stuff that she did for Valentines. I really couldn't pick one thing, so I chose the Valentines mantle. It is so pretty and I would love one of each item for my hosue!

Ladies I am just wowed by all the wonderful creations and links from this week! Be sure to grab a featured button. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with this week! Go get crafty!
Let's get to linkin'!! Rules:
1. Please link craft projects that you have done (not advertising an Etsy site)!
2. Linky Tools will remain open until next Wednesday evening so there's plenty of time to link your projects!
Rules for linking:
(1) Link to specific blog post, not blog home page!
(2) Link craft projects that you have done!
(3) Make sure to visit a few of the links and leave some comment love!
(4) Linky Tools will remain open through Wednesday, February 2 so you have plenty of time to add your projects!
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