I can't really remember where the previous week ended and where this current week should start... (hence why it is good for me to make a list.. I keep forgetting to make said list).
1) Laci started feeling bad 30 minutes before IBK practice on Sunday... needless to say she only made it 30 minutes and then we had to leave. Unfortunately this was part of cheer camp and she ended up missing (2) days of the choreography. On the upside she is feeling better and did make the last day of camp.
2) Found out that all the hard work and samples that I made for the IBK team will not be approved because of the logo on the stuff. I was given the option to buy the stuff from the gym, but the thing is, the towel that I can make for $8 because it just involves a lot of labor would then be like $45 because I would be buying it from them. It just stinks that I spent a ton of hard work and time and they didn't even get looked at. I was major bummed for a couple days. Now I am in a better frame of mind and ready to change the logo to a generic megaphone or something else. Still though I wish it would have been ok to use that logo. The stuff would have been so cute!
3) Totally jacked up some certificates at work... lets just say (2) days of heart ache. It was no bueno!
1) My sister threw an awesome surprise party for my BIL's 30th Birthday. He was surprised, it was fun, and everyone had a good time!
2) Had a <3 to <3 with my boss yesterday about where he sees me going. Basically in re-arranged words the Director (not my boss) told me that I was invaluable in my current position and that my boss wouldn't want me to go anywhere any time soon. He also said that because I was a female with a young child and hadn't traveled for work before that I wouldn't be considered for the open position... I know you are all thinking the same thing I did... ok, maybe some of you anyways. I am not the suing kind, but it screams lawsuit. Anyways, after the <3 to <3 with my boss I felt better about the situation. I mean yes I have gotten a promotion in the last year, but with that said I am still doing the exact same thing as before + a couple other things. So I told him that I wanted to get more field experience and that I wanted to go further than where I am right now. He point blank said he knew that and I had made that perfectly clear multiple times (in a good way - not annoyed), and that just because I am invaluable in my current position doesn't mean that I couldn't be a great asset in another position because of my wide range skill set. Ultimately he told me I was a year too early for the open position, I agreed because I don't have the field experience. But at the end of the conversation he knew that just because I was a mother with a small child that my career ambitions are still there. Anyways, I felt better about me staying where I am right now. I just don't want to start over at another company, I really like who I work for and what I do. Ok... time to shut up on this topic.
3) Almost done with more gifts for my sister to give out. They are REALLY cute this time because of the fabric she used!
4) My sewing machine and I finally agreed that using sew in velcro instead of sticky velcro was better for the health of the machine and me. We had a fight, we made up... it's all good now.
5) Got in the choker part of the necklaces for the magnetic bottle cap necklaces. They are perfect. I ordered them on etsy, if anyone is interested in the particular seller let me know and I'll post it.
6) Can't wait until Friday when I get to go
bother spend a day with Jennifer (
Mrs. Life Crafts and Whatever) to make cookies for her daughter Ava's birthday party... I am excited... I am pretty sure she is too! I can't wait, will be fun! On that note... Happy Birthday Ava! You are a cutie and I look forward to helping celebrate your 1st Birthday!
7) Laci asked me to make the treasure chest from Jake and the Neverland pirates and the gold doubloons (sp) that Jake, Izzy and Cubby get when they complete a task. So we got the stuff and made it together. I did most of the work, but Laci helped... I will post about it later because it is AWESOME!!!
I totally know there is some other stuff in there and I am just being forgetful. Anyways, hope you have a great day!