When I asked her what she wanted she asked about the denium rag quilt that she had seen me making for me. I thought about it and figured I could do it quickly, fairly cheep and have a great gift for her. So I made the Denium Rag Quilt for her that is pictured below. I took her out to get the fabric, I chose the denium and the finished result was enormous! It is 81 squares of beautiful! Each square (not including the seams) was 9 1/2 inches, so that makes 8 1/2 squares with seams x 9 squares across equals a little over 6 feet by 6 feet. She loves it and I am very happy with the result.
To get the layers tacked together I have the hearts with denium on every other square and a heart without denium on the opposite squares. It turned out great, she loves it, and when I get the motivation to make about another 5000 + cuts with the scissors, sew the rest together, oh and then sit in the laundry mat for a couple more hours... I don't want to jack up my washer and dryer have a washer and dryer big enough. *cough* Although if I thought moms was akward to sew together then I have a problem because mine is going to be 121 squares or just over 7 1/2 fet by 7 1/2 feet. When I get a chance I will start working on it. AGAIN...
Anyways I have tons to do today, including posting on Craft Fail for my Mickey apple attempt - Take 1. Hopefully when I try again next weekend it will go better!
Have a great day!
Love the denim rag quilt. I have taken this one step further, in a recycling sense. I make my denim rag quilts with old jeans and even sometimes use old flannel shirts or sheets for the other side. I have two templates I use for marking and cutting, one 8" x 8" and one 6"x 11". I find these two sizes allow me to get as many usable blocks from a pair of jeans. I then make a rag quilt with one shape or the other. I usually use the denim for the top of my quilt and the flannel for the back. There is even a pattern out there that is kind of a rag double wedding ring pattern. I have done it too and it is quite attractive. Also, I use a pair of Fiskars scissors with a very short blade and a spring that makes them pop back open after each cut. It makes it so much easier on your hands when you do all that snipping of the edges.