For any of you that live in cold weather for a good portion of the winter... can you please take it back? I mean don't get me wrong, I got some much needed TLC time with my sewing machine since I couldn't make it into work, but still. I am going in a little late today because I am afraid there will be ice on the roads, hence why I am getting this post in a little earlier.
BTW, if you aren't aware... Valentine's is on Monday... um can we say YIKES!!!! I totally have been slacking on making Laci's Valentines, and I am about to say forget it and pay for the design on etsy since I can't get mine to look right... Anyways, here are some places you should check out this week!
Don't forget to hop over to Colette's site
My Computer is My Canvas where she tells you where to go to get those cute Valentine's Day fonts... for FREE!
Looking for a quick freebie download to make an
EASY peasy teacher gift? Go check out
My Digital Creations.... Lisa was "Soapin' you'd be her Valentine!" Super stinkin cute and I will probably use this on a relative...

Amanda over at
The Paisley Cupcake entered in her
gift idea for Valentine's Day. If you have the time to do this. It is a GREAT idea! I wish I had the time!

Over at
Red Ted Art there are a TON of ideas for
little gifts or things to do for V-Day with the kiddos. These little heart lollies made out of left over candy canes... um AWESOME! My neighbor brought me some the other day that she had put melted white chocolate in the middle and sprinkles. What a great idea, tasty, super cute and over all ADORABLE!

Ok, well thank you for EVERYONE that participated! There were so many ideas and I loved them all! For my features go grab a featured button and everyone have a great remainder of the week!
Let's get to linkin'!! Rules:
1. Please link craft projects that you have done (not advertising an Etsy site)!
2. Linky Tools will remain open until next Wednesday evening so there's plenty of time to link your projects!


Rules for linking:
(1) Link to specific blog post, not blog home page!
(2) Link craft projects that you have done!
(3) Make sure to visit a few of the links and leave some comment love!
(4) Linky Tools will remain open through Wednesday, February 16th so you have plenty of time to add your projects!