Sunday, June 9, 2013

Playing with Bleach...

Yes, you did read playing with bleach and that is exactly what I did this afternoon. I am finally "feeling it" again. I have been quite crafty lately and I am very excited about getting back in my grove! So Laci switched to a new cheer gym called Pride in Addison, TX. Not only is she re-energized and loves going... I mean LOVES going! We love going too!

Aside from the awesome staff and environment, my most favorite thing is that they let me use the logo to make stuff. I see it as free advertisement for them. Luckily... that is how they see it too, are last gym didn't feel the same way. I have done, shirts, bows, car decals, cups, brushes... you name it and I have put something on it. I haven't approached them about selling anything, but until I decide to do anything with that, they are great about me doing stuff for personal use. That makes this crafty girl REALLY happy!

So I have wanted to try the spray bleach method for a long time, but finally I had the perfect two projects to do this on... I will share the other one later this week. So I took a picture of my daughter's other shirt that I wanted the logo of and got it onto my computer. Then in silhouette I traced the image and through some other finagling I got the word parent to overlap how I wanted... so this was what I was going for:

Screen Shot 2013-06-09 at 4.08.07 PM

I used my silhouette to cut out vinyl. Then put the vinyl on the shirts with transfer tape. Took transfer tape off slowly and carefully as the vinyl wanted to peel up if I didn't work with it. Then put parchment paper/wax/something inside the shirt and spray away (70% bleach and 30% water <- a="" and="" away...="" bleach="" but="" change="" color.="" didn="" dryer.="" exactly="" eyeballed="" further="" get="" have="" i="" in="" it="" look="" lots="" measure="" more="" of="" out="" random="" shirt="" span="" spray="" stay="" t="" the="" then="" to="" wash="" washer="" water="" will="" you="">

This is how it turned out (sorry about my hair in the picture... missed that until just now. It is kind of windy outside)...


Me with the shirt on, no make up, so... eh, I'll take it, pretty sure I have looked worse than this.

I took a couple pictures while doing it, and even tried to take a video, but as luck would have it... the record button didn't go on. BOOOO! It's ok, you would have heard two six year olds in the background asking random questions and saying... oooh it's turning! So really you didn't miss much. If you want more detailed tutorials I found these two sites helpful, Uncommon Designs Online and Six Sisters Stuff.

But it turned out great, I didn't even feel like I needed to bling it when I was done, the design turned out awesome all on it's own. So of course Laci had to have a version of it too... here is hers and included is the team name/year. I pretty much love them both!


So what do you think?!? (Hint: Leave an awesome comment and I'll be super happy). Playing with bleach is pretty awesome right!



  1. Those shirts turned out cute! And it's nice to see you back!! I've missed your posts!

    1. Awwww.... miss you too! Hope I can get back to regularly posting. I missed it! Hugs!


Your comments are Sew Stinkin' Cute!