I know I am sure some of you are like... WHAT? A tooth fairy door... What is that? Or... really she doesn't miss anything. I know I know. I just can't stop, it is what I do. :)
So with out further ado... here is a close up so that you can see the glitter effect:

Here it is installed on her wall by the closet door:

Here it is open, of course you don't just see the wall. You see a magical fairy forest... what kind of mom do you think I am? That would lack incredible imagination if you still saw the wall. :)

Here it is with her tooth fairy pillow that sits outside the door for the fairy to easily pick up. We wouldn't want to risk the fairy waking her up now would we?

And last but not least here is a shot of what the fairy left for her...
- She turned the glass of water by her bedside pink because it was a girl fairy that came to get her tooth (it will turn blue if it is a boy fairy)
- She left the $5.00
- She sprinkled pink and purple glitter around her desk
- She left a note, her name was Sabrina Starshine and she thanked Laci for taking care of her tooth.

Ok I know some of you are thinking dude... $5 but it was her first tooth... I think that is really special and important. The price will definatly not be that high next time.
Anyways, what do you think about the tooth fairy's door and her first visit.