Well... lets do this in pictures...
Making signs and working on stuff for my mom's school carnival:

Making a shirt for my mom's teacher friend who's granddaughter obviously goes to Spring Creek:

Making gifts for my hair dresser who had a baby not long ago:

Had to add in the bling decorations on the top right of the bag because some glue transfered to the bag and was all over the place. Eek... but it turned out pretty cute!

Went to the fair with my family and took Laci - made her the perfect shirt to wear that day:

Ate lots of fried food - but this was the best - fried mac and cheese slider - uhm melt in your mouth awesomesauce!

Saw this at the fair and thought of my bloggy buddy Jen at Life Crafts and Whatever because they are so big into UFC:

Laci rode some rides - ok LOTS of them:

Self portrait with my sister and I (isn't she pretty!):

Got Laci's face painted (picture of the day!):

Lets see... this past weekend Laci went to a dance clinic and got a shirt that they were supposed to bling there. Lets just say, I did a re-do, as it wasn't looking so hot when it came home (note to self, should have given more instruction to my mom than just here is a small bag of rinestones and the setter - things like, oh, can't adhere them to silk screen or vinyl and that the tool can burn silk screen and vinyl). Eh, in the end I was able to pick the rhinestones off and you can't even tell that the shirt looked kinda trifling.

Went to a wedding and made one of the presents for them since they didn't register anywhere (left is the inspiration and to the right is the tile I made for them):

Self portriat of Jake and I at the wedding:

Yesterday working out at the gym and getting photo bombed by Megan from Miss Madison's Charmed Life... I am just saying... I could have looked way worse! So thanks for the decent workout pic gal!

Finished workout pic numbers... see the machines are WAY off your body's real numbers...

Heck, by the time I ran to get my car from getting an oil change, speed shopped - literally - at the grocery store and got home, in an hour and 7 minutes I burned 600 calories... woot woot!
Then as I was making my eggs and getting the table ready this morning the salt did this...

I was thankful that it was on the table and not the floor, but here is to hoping the rest of my day doesn't follow in this path.
Also as a side note Jake and I have been going to church every Sunday and have found an awesome ABF group that we are joining. We went to Discovery Desserts at the pastors home on Sunday night and had a great time. Not to mention that we ended up seeing Rachel and Preston at Discovery Desserts. Laci was a flower girl for them back in April. It was pretty awesome that they were there! Let's just say Laci would love to marry Preston... sorry toots Preston's taken and you are way too young!

Cheers to a busy life, but I certianly could use a break soon!
Hugs & TTFN~