I have been extremely MIA lately and totally deserve to be publicly flogged for my lack of posting and explanations. Let me first start off by telling you that I have been busy, not just normal life busy, but like crazy life busy.
1) I am taking my fitness goals to the next level. Instead of just eating right and occasionally going to the gym I am going at a minimum of 4-5 times a week. It takes away from some of my family time, but on the other hand it is awesome to see that I have lost 20 pounds in 6 months and now I need to tone. You can't tone your body by just eating right (with a lot of wine... but that isn't food right?!?) So needless to say I was pretty stoked when trying on some jeans yesterday. It is the first pair I have bought in over a year and a half and lets just say they were lots smaller and fit a lot better. So hard work and eating right (negative the wine) is totally paying off!
2) I was REALLY hoping to share some great news... but after some HARD work and exhausting trials and errors I don't think I am going to be able to deliver that awesome news. So I might as well tell you. I have been trying for over a month to get my designs ready to send over to Silhouette because I wanted to be able to sell designs over there. Well unfortunately they want the designs in SVG format, and because I create everything in .studio I have no way (easily and consistently) covert to .svg format. So I was REALLY sad yesterday when I got the email saying that they still would prefer the .svg files. If you are a Silhouette Artist person... just saying.... the designs still cut crystal clear, and I kind of don't understand why you request.svg files and then convert to .studio I mean why can't a person just submit .studio as a final... but never the less I tried the trial version of Adobe Illustrator (if I purchased this it would cost $200.00) and I am AI illiterate... So this is my hopefully good news, turned bad news for me... but I am turning it around and going to do more good news.
3) Since I cannot seem to convert my designs to .svg to sell on silhouette I think I am going to offer them here as .studio files for FREE!!! Yes you read that right... free. They can't stop me from giving away designs that I created, and since they don't like the .studio format to be sent in... I don't have time to re-create this to .svg or figure out AI so.... You lucky readers that have silhouettes will get to have some of these files at no cost to you. All I ask is that you post your creations (give me credit), link back to me, and let me know what awesome stuff you did with the files. So I need to clean up the last bit of some of the files and create an example and then I will provide the download link to each design individually (this way I can tell which designs ya'll like and would like more of)... So here are some examples (taken with my phone of my computer screen of the designs so excuse the crudeness, but of some of the work)... If you are a Silhouette Designer and you see my design here and then re-create it in .svg to sell I fully expect the royalty... because these are my creations, ideas and hard work... Copyrights will be placed on each design... you can make stuff to sell with the designs, you just cannot sell the design.
- This set is one of (3) that I plan on introducing that you can cut out of paper for a scrapbook... or what I am going to do... cut the design out of heat transfer vinyl apply to 13 different onsies and give a full set as a baby gift.

- Here is the 4th of July and Valentines ones I was working on.. I am changing the Valentines one a little bit but aside from that, it is almost done.

- Here is the St. Patrick's Day design I was working on... ignore the coloring on it.

4) The Itty Bitty Kitties (the team Laci is on for cheer) won the ACA Nationals yesterday... isn't she just the cutest in her little National Champion Jacket?!?

5) I am ready to get back in the blogging swing of things and hopefully have lots of fun things to share... I just want to slow down a little bit so I can share some of these things...