"Sense"-ational Sundays came from Emily Adams an old co-worker who used to blog her senses every week. She always started with this... "Our senses tell a story. I've committed to recording my 5 senses for the past week - every week - as an exercise to explore my sensory world. I challenge you to do the same. If you choose to do so, just blog your 5 senses every Sunday (or Tuesday for those of us who are a little lazy on Sunday); let me know - I'd love to read along!" I find that it is a great way to share with my family and friends some of the highlight of things that I have done during the week that mean the most to me.
There is so much going on for this week senses post. It has been a great week, and as you can tell from all the pictures, I was busy this past week!
See – I see my favorite coach in the entire world. Laci and I met Coach Carter for lunch on my day off on Friday. He is the president of the North Texas Gun Club and there was a show in town this weekend at Market Hall. We ate at the hotel and I had an awesome salad. Laci was great until her dvd player turned off. But she was wonderful, the company was even better, and next time I better not come without some form of chocolate chip cookies. I know, the next time I will see you is Thanksgiving weekend. I won’t forget, promise! Oh we also had a block party this past weekend by our house we went to. They had a fire truck and a police car and a bounce house. Laci loved the fire truck. Here she is in it with Daddy. Oh, and also this is what Laci did on Saturday. She wanted to go so bad, so since it was 20 lbs and above, she went. She enjoyed it for a couple minutes, although I think if she wanted to do it next year she would like it even better (sorry for the blurry picture, but my camera on the phone isn't exactly the best).
Hear – I am actually hearing my daughter say her colors and numbers in Spanish. Last night she counted to 10 in Spanish and when she is done says. YEAH! It is really cute!
Touch – Fabrics – So last weekend Jake and I went to get fabrics from the store for my up coming class. I think it starts in a couple weeks. I am so excited! That will be a very heavy nice quilt! Below are pictures of the fabrics we chose. Also below that is the picture of the giveaway I won. I am so excited as this is one of my favorite fabric sets right now. I love Moda fabrics and can’t thank Harley and Sandy enough right now. I am so excited, I want to play with those more than be at work right now.
Taste – This one is easy, I made a recipe out of this Silly Snacks book, it was so easy to make, messy to break up, but tasty. Basically you take the butter crackers and line them up against each other in the pan (which has been wrapped in foil and coated with pam). Then you take two sticks of butter, one cup of packed brown sugar and a ¼ teaspoon of salt and boil it for three minutes without stirring it. Then pour it over the crackers. Spread with a spatula that is heat resistant and put it in the oven for 5 minutes. When it comes out pour semi sweet chocolate chips on top let them melt then spread over the other mixture. Then once you are done put pecans on top (chopped to preference). Below is the picture of that. Also pictured is the book and another snack I made for Laci from it that was a banana, peanut butter, pretzel centipede. Oh and for Laci for taste this week it was her first funny face at IHOP.
Smell – The fresh outside air. This past weekend Jake and I cleaned out the garage and got bikes. Needless to say I have already replaced the seat with a comfy one because after one hour on the other one my rear deemed it to uncomfortable to continue. So below you will see my pretty blue bike, Jake’s new bike and Laci’s pull along thing attached to his bike…. Did you know those things cost more than one bike? Ridiculous! Anyways, we all got helmets and have now gone two days in a row, and about to make it three tonight!
Anyways, I am about to mail off my package for the 13 days of Halloween Swap today or tomorrow (it is all wrapped up and ready to go to the post office). I can't wait to start sharing everything that I am giving to AJ. As soon as she gets the package I can post one thing thought because it was extra, hopefully I can make Laci's in the mean time that way when she gets it I can have a picture with a child modeling the thing instead of on a hanger. I finished it late last night and Laci was already in bed, then I got up and left before she even woke up, so a hanger was my model.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Ask yourself... When was the last time you rode a bike?
No really, when was it.. please post and tell me because one I am beginning to think that the folks that stop by don't want me to do a give away... if I don't get some love I might have to wait longer...
Ok, so really did you think about it? When was the last time you rode a bike? Me? Well thinking back I used to have a white and grey one with pink writing on it. It was really nice, come to think about it... where did that sucker go? I am thinking it was stolen because I don't remember seeing that thing after I got my car. Ah, right... am I bringing up memories? You too huh? That bike hit the dust when you were 15 or 16? Me? Yup right when I got my hardship liscense so that I could work when I was 15. My mom had surgery and I needed to get to school and go to work.
Anyways, back to the topic - so that means that almost 11-12 years ago was the last time I saw it, thought about riding one, you get the point. Well my doctor told me that because my scar tissue was building up I had two options. Ride a bike everyday, or scope my knee out for scar tissue. Really? He just did surgery and we are talking about it again?
Well I broke down and got a bike. I will talk more about that later, but right now I want to focus on the fact that the seats that come with the bike are down right bad!!! My tush hurts so much I can't wait to get one of those that are wider and more cushy. I mean really it isn't like I am large, but seriously what normal person could ride on this seat and not be in pain after an hour. The good news? My knee didn't hurt, but I think that was because I was so focused on my rear end for the hour bike ride.
Has anyone else had this problem? Well needless to say I am going to stop by Walmart and check out their seat selection this afternoon. Anyways, here is the pretty new bike!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Bow Obsessed
Ok, so pretty much since the day my daughter was born she has had a head full of hair. Well I found a bow vendor that I adore and have used since Laci was 7 months old. With that said. She has gotten a lot of my money. But, the great thing is that they are washable in the washing machine and will retain their curls. I know she is awesome. Just take a look at all the awesomeness below. The ones on the hanging strips are all of hers. The others on the top are all ones we got that go with certian outfits or that my mom made trying to practice making them. I get them all from Missy over at Q~T Bows by Missy. She does a great job! I love them. Anyways, I have to go. Tons of work. But what do you think? Obsessed?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
"Sense"-ational Tuesday also known to me as Take the Time Tuesday
"Sense"-ational Sundays came from Emily Adams an old co-worker who used to blog her senses every week. She always started with this... "Our senses tell a story. I've committed to recording my 5 senses for the past week - every week - as an exercise to explore my sensory world. I challenge you to do the same. If you choose to do so, just blog your 5 senses every Sunday (or Tuesday for those of us who are a little lazy on Sunday) & let me know - I'd love to read along!" I find that it is a great way to share with my family and friends some of the highlight of things that I have done during the week that mean the most to me.
I See:
I See:
My adorable little tyke in high heals! It was so cute! I left my heals on the floor the other day and she walked from the kitchen all the way to the front door before falling down. It was SO stinkin’ cute! I am just glad I got it on camera!
I Hear:
Happy Birthday to Kelly! Today is Kelly R.’s birthday in the office and we are getting her a cake and ice cream and throwing a quick little Happy Day for her.
I Smell:
Beer, Brats, Strudel and everything good at Oktoberfest in Addison on Saturday! It was the best! Oh, and don't I look too cute in that red hat! It was so much fun and I got lots of compliments on it.
I Touch:
I Touch:
The very last of my 13 gifts that I had to make for the 13 Days of Halloween swap. It was bitter sweet. I have had such a great time making these and can’t wait until AJ gets them. I tried to start the extra gift that I want to make last night, but wouldn’t you know it the tutorial that I have used in the past isn’t linking correctly and I forgot to save the PDF of it. GRRRR… I can still do it, it will just be fudged a little bit, and French seams won’t be happening. I just don’t have the time, plus the little one will only have a month or so to wear it anyways. Any suggestions for securing frayed ends so that they don’t fray? I don’t want to fray check the whole thing, but I will if I have to.
I Taste:
Cookies for Laci’s school bake off tonight (not pictured), I stayed up until 10 pm making these suckers and they didn’t turn out as good as last time. I mean they are still good, but maybe my taste buds changed when I burnt them? Also I made a white cake with chocolate icing on Sunday. It is tasty! I forgot to take a picture before we dug in.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Yippie - Almost Done
Ok, so last night I went to the local Dollar tree to get some tissue paper. I wanted Black and Orange, but who knew it was going to be so darn difficult to find (that was the third place I looked)? So I settled for kraft mailing paper. Below is a shot of every day except for day 11. It is still a work in progress. I still have 12 days to finish it, but really all I have to do is cut out some stuff, hole punch and find some rings. Don't ask, because it is a surprise and I won't tell, my lips are sealed. So now all I have to do is finish up day 11, write up a note to accompany them, package them up and mail them off. This has been so much fun. Also is a shot of the tags that I labeled each day with. Cute huh?
I have had a great time doing this, and hope that Day 11 is a big hit, because it took nothing but time, where as I know she will love Day 13 because I think it is something she was wanting. This has been a great experience and I can't wait to do it again. I love it because it keeps me crafty all the time instead of just sometimes or when I "feel" like it. Harley, thank you for putting this together. AJ, it has been so much fun putting everything together for you. I hope you like everything as much as I enjoyed doing this for you. I can't wait to start posting the pictures of everything that I put together.
The only thing I didn't get to do that I wanted to do was make something for her little girl Scout since I didn't get the measurements. This weekend I will be making Laci's so maybe I will just make one a little bigger than Laci's and hope it fits. I know that would be more than 13 days worth, but I can't help it. I am still seeing things that are cute. My budget... ha I don't even want to think about it; however, next time I have a swap to do I will have a lot of items I can use and won't have to buy as much. Day 13 was the biggest thing. I printed off my coupon, went to go get it, just to be told that I couldn't use the coupon. BUMMER! I got it anyways, because I had my heart set on that being the big present, but lets just say with tax spent the whole budget of what I was supposed to spend all together. Oops. All I can say is I know my swap partner won't be disapointed at all. It is my first time, so I wanted to start off with a bang. Totally not a problem, bang accomplished.
Anyways, that is what I did part of last night. The other part was getting rid of a headache, laminating stuff, and cutting out the laminated stuff for day 11's gift. This should be fun let me do this:
Most Expensive: Day 13
Least Expensive: Day 11
Most Time Consuming: Day 11
Most Fun to Make: Day 5
Forgot to re-take a picture of it: Day 3 (wrappers came off and had to switch out the inside with something else... just realized this, but I am not un-wrapping it now)
Learned Something New: Day 4, 5, 6
Handmade items: 6/13 of the items were hand made (if I make the thing for Scout it will be 7 - we shall see)
Day I think AJ will like the best: Hum, either Day 11 or Day 13
Getting to know someone new: Priceless
I have had a great time doing this, and hope that Day 11 is a big hit, because it took nothing but time, where as I know she will love Day 13 because I think it is something she was wanting. This has been a great experience and I can't wait to do it again. I love it because it keeps me crafty all the time instead of just sometimes or when I "feel" like it. Harley, thank you for putting this together. AJ, it has been so much fun putting everything together for you. I hope you like everything as much as I enjoyed doing this for you. I can't wait to start posting the pictures of everything that I put together.
OH SIDE NOTE - It was so cute last night, I was working on the stuff for Day 11 and went in my craft room. Laci followed me in there and said "I want to help Mommy!" It was so cute, I hated to tell her I wasn't doing anything she could help me with, any suggestions for a 2 1/2 year old that wants to help do crafty stuff, but obviously isn't ready for the big stuff? It was so cute, I can't wait until she REALLY can help me!
Ok, well I think that sums up it up for today, Happy Friday!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
New Halloween Outfit
Ok, so I guess being out sick isn't so bad, I got something done. Tell me this isn't cute!
So I got these jeans from kid to kid for a couple bucks. Laci wore them a couple times, but they just didn't fit right. She kind of waddled. So, I cut the jeans off a couple inches below where you see, took the pumpkin fabric and doubled the amount of fabric than the skirt width, then I took the pleater foot and one every 6 stitches had a pleat. After I did that I just pinned it to the skirt and sewed it on. After I got the skirt together I took a piece of fabric and just turned down the edges and sewed it across the shirt and added ribbon on top and on bottom. Isn't it cute! I can't wait to try this on Laci when she gets home.
What do you think of todays creativity?
So I got these jeans from kid to kid for a couple bucks. Laci wore them a couple times, but they just didn't fit right. She kind of waddled. So, I cut the jeans off a couple inches below where you see, took the pumpkin fabric and doubled the amount of fabric than the skirt width, then I took the pleater foot and one every 6 stitches had a pleat. After I did that I just pinned it to the skirt and sewed it on. After I got the skirt together I took a piece of fabric and just turned down the edges and sewed it across the shirt and added ribbon on top and on bottom. Isn't it cute! I can't wait to try this on Laci when she gets home.
What do you think of todays creativity?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Take the Time Tuesdays
Ok, so today it is a little easier to take the time than others because I am out of work today. Why? Because as I put in my last post. I still just am not feeling right. Today I am feeling better than yesterday, but I am still nauseated. What I ate probably didn't help, or the fact that I ate it really late, but compared to my splitting headache and nausea yesterday. I will take it.
So yesterday I got to work and thought I was going to spill what I ate, plus I had the closest thing I can think of to a migraine. The only thing that made it better was laying down in a dark room. So I left work, drove to the doctor, got blood work done (still don't have the results) and went and got a CT scan of my head (results came back normal, good I guess, but what is wrong is still unknown). Anyways, so this is part of my lack of posts because I have a major lack of energy. But, let me go through the highlights of my week!
See: My big girl getting bigger. Today we started wearing big girl underwear to school. We did have a small accident before going to school, but we got changed and got our stuff and took it to school. I called earlier and they said that she was doing well. I am sure this will be a couple long weeks ahead, so please think of me and my washing machine during this time.
Hear: Mitch Fatel - Warning... he is a dirty comic, but he is so funny. I got Jake tickets for his birthday. I bought them over two months ahead of time so we had the best seats in the house. Jake was the "gay" guy in his skit. It was AWESOME! We had a wonderful time despite me not feeling the best!
Smell: Beautiful New Flowers in our Front Yard and Cedar Mulch
Jake and I planted these this weekend. Aren't they beautiful.
Touch: The ABC Distributing catalog to pick out all of the Christmas presents I want to order. This place has good stuff at a great price. We will be ordering everything pretty soon.
Taste: Not much of anything. I burnt my tongue a couple days ago, and can't really taste a bunch. But I tell you what those enchiladas I burnt my mouth on were the bomb. I would tell you more about them, but the box is long gone, but I will be getting them again.
So yesterday I got to work and thought I was going to spill what I ate, plus I had the closest thing I can think of to a migraine. The only thing that made it better was laying down in a dark room. So I left work, drove to the doctor, got blood work done (still don't have the results) and went and got a CT scan of my head (results came back normal, good I guess, but what is wrong is still unknown). Anyways, so this is part of my lack of posts because I have a major lack of energy. But, let me go through the highlights of my week!
See: My big girl getting bigger. Today we started wearing big girl underwear to school. We did have a small accident before going to school, but we got changed and got our stuff and took it to school. I called earlier and they said that she was doing well. I am sure this will be a couple long weeks ahead, so please think of me and my washing machine during this time.
Hear: Mitch Fatel - Warning... he is a dirty comic, but he is so funny. I got Jake tickets for his birthday. I bought them over two months ahead of time so we had the best seats in the house. Jake was the "gay" guy in his skit. It was AWESOME! We had a wonderful time despite me not feeling the best!
Smell: Beautiful New Flowers in our Front Yard and Cedar Mulch
Jake and I planted these this weekend. Aren't they beautiful.
Touch: The ABC Distributing catalog to pick out all of the Christmas presents I want to order. This place has good stuff at a great price. We will be ordering everything pretty soon.
Taste: Not much of anything. I burnt my tongue a couple days ago, and can't really taste a bunch. But I tell you what those enchiladas I burnt my mouth on were the bomb. I would tell you more about them, but the box is long gone, but I will be getting them again.
Friday, September 11, 2009
21 - It just feels wrong.
I hate posting when I feel like this. Not crafty, not chipper, in actuality I feel so crummy, I wish I could hide under my desk. Luckily I have the best boss in the whole world. Lets just call him MVP because he is very much that. MVP knows I don't just call out sick, or ask for time off if I don't really feel bad. He knows that I am myself very much a valuable player, I mean why else would I have gotten employee of the month for January 2009 out of like 500 employees.
Well lets just say I feel like a rock is crushing my back and that my energy was taken into the nearest socket and sent some where else. Really pleasant huh?!? I know this isn't really what my blog is supposed to be about, it is supposed to be about me crafting and all my neat projects. Well, the last week I have been loosing my energy so quick when I get home that I am in bed by 8:30 right after Laci and asleep by 9:00. I thought it had just been a long week or something. I mean it seems on 4 day weeks that I always get sick like this and the week drags on. Last night I knew something else was wrong, I was asleep or semi-asleep by 8:00 only getting up to take out the contacts and brush my teeth. This morning I was so dehydrated I was very alarmed. I asked/told MVP that I was going to make a doctor's appointment and his response was "OK". Being older he is sick sometimes too and understands.
It doesn't help that I live an hour away and that my doctors are an hour away too. It would be nice to have doctors by work, but really when you feel like this, you really don't want to go back to work anyways. My self diagnosis is that I have a kidney infection again, but I don't think that explains my exhaustion fully, so hopefully my doctor who is a bit of a nut, but does a good job, will give me the right stuff to get me feeling better. I have a comic show to see tomorrow night and I am not missing that thing if I am on all the possible prescriptions in the world. I also want to plant flowers this weekend.
Any suggestions for fall flowers?
Alright well my less than stellar, less than happy, picture less post is done. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow and the rain holds off long enough to plant some pretty flowers. That way I can make a happy post, because really who doesn't get happy seeing flowers?
Have a good afternoon!
Well lets just say I feel like a rock is crushing my back and that my energy was taken into the nearest socket and sent some where else. Really pleasant huh?!? I know this isn't really what my blog is supposed to be about, it is supposed to be about me crafting and all my neat projects. Well, the last week I have been loosing my energy so quick when I get home that I am in bed by 8:30 right after Laci and asleep by 9:00. I thought it had just been a long week or something. I mean it seems on 4 day weeks that I always get sick like this and the week drags on. Last night I knew something else was wrong, I was asleep or semi-asleep by 8:00 only getting up to take out the contacts and brush my teeth. This morning I was so dehydrated I was very alarmed. I asked/told MVP that I was going to make a doctor's appointment and his response was "OK". Being older he is sick sometimes too and understands.
It doesn't help that I live an hour away and that my doctors are an hour away too. It would be nice to have doctors by work, but really when you feel like this, you really don't want to go back to work anyways. My self diagnosis is that I have a kidney infection again, but I don't think that explains my exhaustion fully, so hopefully my doctor who is a bit of a nut, but does a good job, will give me the right stuff to get me feeling better. I have a comic show to see tomorrow night and I am not missing that thing if I am on all the possible prescriptions in the world. I also want to plant flowers this weekend.
Any suggestions for fall flowers?
Alright well my less than stellar, less than happy, picture less post is done. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow and the rain holds off long enough to plant some pretty flowers. That way I can make a happy post, because really who doesn't get happy seeing flowers?
Have a good afternoon!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
20 - New Project
I am at 20 posts on the new blog, so exciting! Only 80 more until a giveaway, alright maybe just 30 more until I have one. Would anyone actually participate, or am I too new? We shall see.
Ok, so onto what I was working on yesterday. This item is for a gift, it is something I think they will want (I secretly want one too now), and is entirely made from scratch. What is it? It's a secret.... sorry! But, the good news is that I am going to post a tutorial on it once it is given and maybe, just maybe... while I am making one for me, I will make one to give away. I might not make it to 50 posts after all. Ok, well I have to work on the inside, so here is a very teasing picture (I mean three pictures into one) that I will leave you with. Hope you have a great day!
AJ I hope your doing alright. My thoughts are with you hun.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
My thoughts are with you...
After I finished my post yesterday I realized I forgot to add this in with it, so here goes.
AJ is my swap partner (her blog is here) over at the Koala Fuzz blog for the 13 Days of Halloween Swap. Although I could go on and on about her and how easily it seems that we have gotten to know each other, I want to just say I am thinking about her. Yesterday she had surgery on one of her feet, and because my mom had a very similar surgery back in June I know what she will be going through in the next couple of months. My thoughts are with you and your family as you are on your road to recovery.
On a seperate note, I have felt less than crafty the last couple of days. I know why, and I really need to fix the problem. The problem - that would be the fact that my craft room looks like there was an explosion of monster preportions! It looks awful! When we decorated for Thanksgiving all my stuff was sent upstairs. Oh it is just bad! Really really bad! Maybe tonight when I get home I will work on that so that I can get back to crafting. I feel so lost when I don't craft, anyone else feel that way? I also got another request for a bag, but because of other things I want to do I think I am going to have to turn her down for now. As Jake said, you don't have to do it. he is right, I don't have to, but I feel guilty. But on the other hand I am definatly not doing anything for less than full price. Is that wrong? No, it isn't I just can't, I want to do my Christmas presents and my class and make the cute clothes for Laci. I have my reasons, and they are personal and good ones. I just don't have the time. I want to spend the time with my family. Is that selfish? I don't think so. Ugh... what a fantastic internal struggle!
Anyways, I leave you with this - a picture of my growing girl with no fears just leaping into the foam pit at gymnastics. It is amazing how much she has changed in this last year of going to gymnastics!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
"Sense"-ational Tuesday also known to me as Take the Time Tuesday
"Sense"-ational Sundays came from Emily Adams an old co-worker who used to blog her senses every week. She always started with this... "Our senses tell a story. I've committed to recording my 5 senses for the past week - every week - as an exercise to explore my sensory world. I challenge you to do the same. If you choose to do so, just blog your 5 senses every Sunday (or Tuesday for those of us who are a little lazy on Sunday) & let me know - I'd love to read along!" I find that it is a great way to share with my family and friends some of the highlight of things that I have done during the week that mean the most to me.
Thanksgiving/Fall Decorations... In our house we love fall. We love the smells, the colors, the sounds, the whole feel of fall. So we decided to get a jumpstart and pull out the decor. I mean it isn't like we have house parties once a week, so it is just us that gets to enjoy it. Let me just say, we already have and I LOVE IT!
Happy Birthday Connor! This weekend was Connor's birthday party and Tia (my BFF) did a great job putting it together. Just look at this little guy waiting patiently for everyone to come sing him Happy Birthday!
Spice Cupcakes with Buttercream Icing. Hello Mom, didn't you know I was on a diet? I was doing great until she asked me to make them yesterday. Needless to say I will probably sneak another one tonight and regret it in the morning, but whats life if you can't enjoy it... right?!?
Wrapping paper and a Nerf gun. I think I had the best present at the party. I didn't realize the thing was a rapid fire one that shoots off 20 darts until his dad shot them while I was holding up a cup (empty) and one stuck to my arm. I think I laughed for 5 minutes solid. That thing is FUN!
Spice Cinnamon, the best fall scent on earth. Jake and I love it and are so happy to have the house decked out for fall! We had the candles burning all weekend with this fantastic scent... LOVE IT!
Here are a couple other pictures of the party. One is Connor and Hannah (his sister) and the other one is Laci (I know she could look a little happier) in the "car" for the obsticle course. It was so cute, and all the kids had a great time.
Thanksgiving/Fall Decorations... In our house we love fall. We love the smells, the colors, the sounds, the whole feel of fall. So we decided to get a jumpstart and pull out the decor. I mean it isn't like we have house parties once a week, so it is just us that gets to enjoy it. Let me just say, we already have and I LOVE IT!
Happy Birthday Connor! This weekend was Connor's birthday party and Tia (my BFF) did a great job putting it together. Just look at this little guy waiting patiently for everyone to come sing him Happy Birthday!
Spice Cupcakes with Buttercream Icing. Hello Mom, didn't you know I was on a diet? I was doing great until she asked me to make them yesterday. Needless to say I will probably sneak another one tonight and regret it in the morning, but whats life if you can't enjoy it... right?!?
Wrapping paper and a Nerf gun. I think I had the best present at the party. I didn't realize the thing was a rapid fire one that shoots off 20 darts until his dad shot them while I was holding up a cup (empty) and one stuck to my arm. I think I laughed for 5 minutes solid. That thing is FUN!
Spice Cinnamon, the best fall scent on earth. Jake and I love it and are so happy to have the house decked out for fall! We had the candles burning all weekend with this fantastic scent... LOVE IT!
Here are a couple other pictures of the party. One is Connor and Hannah (his sister) and the other one is Laci (I know she could look a little happier) in the "car" for the obsticle course. It was so cute, and all the kids had a great time.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Sorry for the lack of a Friday post, I woke up Thursday feeling really crummy. My throat was scratchy and it was annoying. As the day went on and I talked more it got worse. So the wonderful ran to the store for cough drops and suggested medication. When I got up yesterday it was worse. I thought I might have strep throat. So off to the doctor I went. Good news is no strep, bad news was it was just some "viral" infection that would "probably" go away on it's own. Take some over the counter medication she said. Not what I wanted to hear. I am an advocate for if I am feeling bad, give me something to make me feel better, I did just pay you $30 and wasted an hour. Anyways, I have been taking some stuff to help the symptoms, but still am feeling off as of this morning.
I got up at 6:30, tried to go back to sleep and finally just got up at 7. I figured if I am up I might as well sew. Well, one block and 45 minutes later I just couldn't do it anymore. My body is going to crash, soon and hard. I hate feeling defeated. I mean the first of the month I always push myself at work, but this time I pushed a little to hard I guess. Well I am going to go ahead and wrap this up by saying it might be Monday or Tuesday before any new crafty posts. I just currently don't feel up to the challenge and don't want to disappoint in less than stellar posts.
Hopefully I will feel back to my perky self in no time!
I got up at 6:30, tried to go back to sleep and finally just got up at 7. I figured if I am up I might as well sew. Well, one block and 45 minutes later I just couldn't do it anymore. My body is going to crash, soon and hard. I hate feeling defeated. I mean the first of the month I always push myself at work, but this time I pushed a little to hard I guess. Well I am going to go ahead and wrap this up by saying it might be Monday or Tuesday before any new crafty posts. I just currently don't feel up to the challenge and don't want to disappoint in less than stellar posts.
Hopefully I will feel back to my perky self in no time!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thoughts for Thursday - The Mayonnaise Jar and the 2 Glasses of Wine
Before I get to The Mayonnaise Jar and the 2 Glasses of Wine, I had to share a couple of thoughts for today.
With out further ado, here is The Mayonnaise Jar and the 2 Glasses of Wine - to give you some food for thoughts.
The Mayonnaise Jar and the 2 Glasses of Wine
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 glasses of wine...
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous yes. The professor then produced two glasses of wine from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
Now, said the professor, as the laughter subsided, I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things; your family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions; things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, and your car. The sand is everything else; the small stuff. If you put the sand into the jar first, he continued, there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.
The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
* Play with your children.
* Take time to get medical checkups.
* Take your partner out to dinner.
* Play another 18.
* There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.
* Take care of the golf balls first; the things that really matter.
* Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the wine represented. The professor smiled. I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of glasses of wine with a friend.
- Author Unknown
Anyways, hope that you all have a wonderful Thursday!
1) I am 26 years old and can't recall ever seeing a live Armadillo, I know I live in Texas, it is the state animal, but I think I have only seen them after they have had a visit with a taxidermist. Usually with the tacky beer bottle on their backs, or as road kill, but this morning when I got to work... at the crack of dawn, I saw one just roaming across the parking lot. I took a picture and that is when it occurred to me that I don't recall seeing one before, alive and in person that is. It was pretty neat, and a fun way to start off the day, here is a picture (not great, but still visible).
2) My daughter is getting so big, every time I turn around she seems taller, smarter, and even more wonderful than the day before. It is amazing!
3) Last night I did it! I cut into the surprise gift. I actually got everything cut out for it! It didn't take super long and now I can start putting it together, although tonight I might try and cut out everything for the other one, we will see. Why is it that sometimes directions are scary, is it because you want to make sure you understand them?
With out further ado, here is The Mayonnaise Jar and the 2 Glasses of Wine - to give you some food for thoughts.
The Mayonnaise Jar and the 2 Glasses of Wine
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 glasses of wine...
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous yes. The professor then produced two glasses of wine from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
Now, said the professor, as the laughter subsided, I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things; your family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions; things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, and your car. The sand is everything else; the small stuff. If you put the sand into the jar first, he continued, there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.
The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
* Play with your children.
* Take time to get medical checkups.
* Take your partner out to dinner.
* Play another 18.
* There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.
* Take care of the golf balls first; the things that really matter.
* Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the wine represented. The professor smiled. I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of glasses of wine with a friend.
- Author Unknown
Anyways, hope that you all have a wonderful Thursday!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Ready for Christmas
So the beginning quilt class I took has me ready to tackle more! As I already posted I got some stuff for gifts and can't wait to get started. Is making the first cut the hardest part? Making sure that you get it right so that you have enough left over? I don't know I think I am currently fearing that, but I am sure I will be ok. Anyways, here are a couple shots of my finished quilt, and of my daughter who has already claimed it as her own. Love you Laci!
Ok, well enough play for today, time to get some work done...
Ok, well enough play for today, time to get some work done...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I am so terrible at sending cards, I mean I am good for holidays at mass sending out cards, but aside from that I am terrible. I need to set my reminders up on my phone or something because really, I just feel so guilty when I get a lovely card and have completly forgotten to send one for someone else. Maybe this should be next year's New Year's resolution... No promises people, maybe...
With that said I love looking over at the 2 Sketches 4 You site that sketches out a layout of a card and then makes the card based on the layout. Seems simple, easy and less thinking than I would normally do on a card. Below is one of their sketches and the coordinating card. I just might have to start participating. Not that mine will be as cute, but if I give them out it is purely the thought that counts right?
I love the thought that there is just an idea that is there, and you can make it look however you want. For instance they didn't have the line going across it next to the 1/2 circle in that one, but in the one below they did. I love it! I mean they look completly different yet have the same layout.
I love how the insperation can come from anywhere! It is just awesome! Well, I may just have to use one of those layouts for a birthday card soon. Anyways, to give credit where it is due I found the site because of the site Creative Itch I like seeing what she has done with the layouts and can't want to see more. Ok, well I am off to continue one of my busiest days at work, have a great day!
With that said I love looking over at the 2 Sketches 4 You site that sketches out a layout of a card and then makes the card based on the layout. Seems simple, easy and less thinking than I would normally do on a card. Below is one of their sketches and the coordinating card. I just might have to start participating. Not that mine will be as cute, but if I give them out it is purely the thought that counts right?
I love the thought that there is just an idea that is there, and you can make it look however you want. For instance they didn't have the line going across it next to the 1/2 circle in that one, but in the one below they did. I love it! I mean they look completly different yet have the same layout.
I love how the insperation can come from anywhere! It is just awesome! Well, I may just have to use one of those layouts for a birthday card soon. Anyways, to give credit where it is due I found the site because of the site Creative Itch I like seeing what she has done with the layouts and can't want to see more. Ok, well I am off to continue one of my busiest days at work, have a great day!